
Since 1988, Inverness Soccer has been an integral part of our community, providing children with the opportunity to learn and enjoy the beautiful game of soccer. With the help of a dedicated group of Inverness community members, we strive to maintain the tradition of allowing children to play with peers from the same schools and communities, fostering friendships and camaraderie on and off the field. Inverness Soccer has always been about the community around us, and maintaining that feeling is paramount.  

We understand the importance of accommodating the diverse needs of our players and families. Our mission is to offer a fun and informative introduction to soccer for children from preschool through eighth grade. We are committed to providing a positive and enriching experience for all participants. 

We sincerely appreciate the ongoing support and involvement of our community members. Together, we can ensure that Inverness Soccer remains a vibrant and cherished institution for generations to come. Thank you for your continued commitment to Inverness Soccer.